
Thursday, September 16, 2004

"You are here, so am I
maybe millions of people go by
but they all disappear from view
'cause I only have eyes for you"

Very simple, very cool.

So, the new play started rehearsal. It's a food show. Long time readers (ha ha) will recall that I was working on a food show when I first started this blog & I ended up dropping out b/c I was (1) freaking out about the one year anniversary coming up and felt like I was losing my mind and (2) working a lot.

This year, I don't feel like I'm freaking out as much as I did last year (as soon as the weather changed), though it did hit me last Friday when I read an article in the Times about suicide. This year, I can't imagine I'll have the same reaction as last year. The first of everything (first New Year, first birthday, first Christmas, first Thanksgiving, first time someone asks how many siblings you have, etc.) seems to have been the hardest. I still can't think about it, though. What a stupid boy.

So, tomorrow night, I am going to see Debbie Gibson at a club with my friend John. This is probably a mistake. (Who knows? She might be more than a gay icon.) I did sort of see her when I was 13 at a theme park in Virginia. We couldn't get tickets (sold out), but we could hear her in the distance & we got a glance of her standing & singing in the center of the stage wearing one of those layered, poofy skirts once we reached the apex of the hill on the wooden rollercoaster.
We are rehearsing the food show in this abandoned food court. It's cheap rehearsal space & extremely weird. We seem to be outside of what used to be, say, a Ruby Tuesday's or a Friday's. I hope the show is good. I'm concerned about the script since there's too much exposition.

Happy Rosh Hashannah!



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