
Thursday, September 30, 2004


You will never do what you want to do. You are too old. You are not smart enough. You cannot get into graduate school because none of your professors would even remember you at this point. How would you get letters of recommendation? How would you write a personal statement? What if your GPA isn't high enough? You'll have to retake the GRE, and that's a hard test. You won't score well. You've been out of school too long.

And, say you do go to grad school for journalism: What if it's a waste of time? It could be that you could learn everything you need to know with just a few classes & much less money. You'll go into terrible debt you won't be able to climb out of. You'll get old. You'll work where you work forever. What if you hate being a reporter? What if you don't make enough money as a journalist? What if you can't find a job? What if you hate school?

It's a stupid idea, anyway. It's dangerous. It's time to face the truth: You've failed at adult life. Just accept that. You will never do what you want to do. Just start adjusting to year after year, month after month, week after week, hour after agonizing, dull, tedious hour at this cubicle where you currently sit. You wanted to do so many things when you were younger, but what have you accomplished? Nothing, huh? Well, isn't that the most telling thing of all?

You have no talent. You have no creativity. You have no focus. You are not the least bit interesting or capable. You are just going to have to face the facts. You have no courage. You don't have what it takes. You never follow through with things. You are going nowhere.

-m (God help us all to laugh at this voice)


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