
Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Hail the Control Freak

I think my boss is, over all, a swell human being. She's smart, kind, reliable, competant, etc. She's an interesting person with things going on in her life. She reads interesting books. She hangs out with her nieces and nephews. She sees shows. She travels.

What's the trouble, then?

She NEVER STOPS WORKING. For example, right now, she is supposedly in Arizona enjoying the dry air and sunshine with friends & she is checking her e-mails and replying to them. She is doing this even though she told me to check her e-mails and reply to them & even though I have been doing that.

Why doesn't she just go swimming?

I have always had this problem with her. She tells you to do something and then either does it herself 5 minutes later or asks you 13 times to do it (not whether it has been done already but to do it).

Very annoying.



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