
Friday, March 19, 2004

The Demon Barber

Tonight, I am going to see "Sweeney Todd" at NY City Opera tonight with Joe & my friend John. I saw the show when I was in high school with my best friend Nova. He was a geeky kid who transferred to our high school when I was in 10th & he was in 9th. He had terrible, light brown, thick, wavy hair & he wore tie-dyed jeans (well, it was 1989-1990, so that was still acceptable). He was in my drama class & he quickly became everyone's favorite actor because he could sing & he was sweet & he was cute.

In the summer between his 10th & 11th grade years, he became cool and cut his hair and made other friends and we stopped hanging out so much. I could no longer count on him to eat lunch at Arby's with me every day & go to the movies with me on the weekends. He started dating my friend Gina, to whom I had introduced him.

But, his cool, hippie mother did dye my hair red the first time. They had a little lake/canal in their backyard & we went for a row in a little canoe while we waited for the henna to set in.

And, he took me to see "Point Break" with Keanu Reeves movie on my birthday when I turned 17. We took pictures in one of those machines & -- believe it or not -- I still have one of the pictures.

I don't really know whether I had a crush on him in high school or whether we really were just friends. I know I loved him, but I don't know if I liked him in "that way." We didn't talk about it.

He was up here in the city about a year ago & he's still an actor & still cute & funny & still sings. He's basically the same beautiful boy he was when he was in high school, both before & after he turned cool.

When we got home from seeing "Sweeney Todd," I put the ticket & the playbill in my notebook where I kept all playbills of shows I saw because I wanted to have a complete record of everything. Above it, I wrote "Sweeney Todd...a very 'sick' comedy."

Now, I'm going to see it again, probably 14 or 15 years later! I'm so excited!


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