
Friday, September 26, 2003


Wendy had long, blonde hair, and was really pretty. Her younger brother had a cast on his arm. I asked him what happened, and he said, "I broke it." She used to watch MTV all day. She brought her portable radio over to the house and put it on top of the t.v. so that she could record the songs onto cassette tape.

Ruth had cerebral palsy, and she walked with metal crutches. She was obsessed with The Who and taught us how to play rummy. She told us that, by law, every restaurant has to give you a cup of water if you ask for it, so we often went into McDonald's to ask for water if we were thirsty. She once told me I should be a janitor because I liked to sweep the carport.

Jane had frizzy red hair. Her brother, J.P., was a big time skateboarder. He had a small ramp in front of their house, which had a locked, metal fence around it, and which I never saw the inside of. Everyone in the neighborhood thought they were rich.

Stephanie, my older sister, left the house to go meet her friends as soon as my mom's car turned the corner.


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