
Thursday, May 29, 2003

Why is it that I usually get more work done in the last 30 minutes before I leave the office than in all of the last 2 or 3 hours of the day? It's something about being able to focus, something about urgency. For some reason, the "fog" or "lack of motivation" is always pretty non-existent from 5:00 - 5:30.

Anyway, last night in Washington Square Park, there was this dude playing guitar. He had a small amp, into which he plugged his acoustic. He had a vocal range from, like, early Joni Mitchell to Johnny Cash, and he played up and down the neck. I love watching guitarists' hands. His buddy, Jeff, asked me if I would sing a song. I sang, "Landslide" which the dude played even though he doesn't know the song very well. Then, I went home & made pierogies.

The best way to eat pierogies: boil them; meanwhile, fry onions in butter; add the pierogies to the hot onions & butter & keep them on the stove until the pierogies get slightly brown on each side (about 5 minutes each side). This is the way my grandma makes them. The pierogies sort of "absorb" the butter into their crispiness & the onions get very sweet. Nothing is better.


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