
Monday, May 17, 2004


This dude at work is so victorious, so happy about the sarin nerve gas bomb in Iraq. No. I take that back. He's NOT happy about the bomb. He's happy that weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. So, he, a war supporter, is justified. And, the guy has called, like, 9 people to tell them, saying, "I guess we found our weapons of mass destruction."
My automatic response is to feel defensive. Because, I have to honestly admit, I was happy they hadn't found any in a "see! I told you so!" kind of way. (Now, there is a "point" against "my side." We were wrong about Bush being wrong.)

This is all so ridiculous, isn't it? I can't think with all these party politics, with all this side-taking. I don't know what to think. My knee-jerk response is to say, "Well, we still went about it wrong. We shouldn't have gone in without the support of the UN" etc., but I don't really know what I'm talking about. I have to process it more.

The thing is, this dude, who is the same dude I wrote about last time (unfortunately my last entry), reminds me so much of my father because of his "right wing" beliefs. He was speaking earlier about how McDonald's isn't really so bad & people should get over criticizing them & a burger cooked at home is the same thing. (Um...yeah.)

Because I have such a pugnacious relationship with my father, I feel defensive or combative whenever I talk to or listen to this guy (when it comes to politics). But, I want to be the kind of person who thinks objectively about things, who makes up her own mind about things, not someone who stands behing a prescribed set of beliefs because of a political inclination. If I believe in something, I want it to be because I have questioned it, processed it, thought it through, explored other points of view.

I don't follow through with this 99% of the time, though. I don't spend enough time getting information about things to really know what I think. At least I'm being honest by admitting that.
But, aaaaargh! The last entry I had was a soapbox entry & now this. I need to write about something else. My show opens this Thursday. We have a beautiful hand puppet. Tech load in is tonight. Cue to cue is tomorrow.

And, I admit it: I want someone to be right. Can't a specific "side" be "right" so that I can just pick a side & be done with it? The reality, that we are all wrong about some things & right about others (remembering, of course, that my side is right about most things, ha ha); that there are no easy answers; that taking a side & sticking to it, unless you're taking a side for something arbitray like a sports team, is just stupid, is harder to deal with.




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