
Tuesday, December 09, 2003

100 Things About Me
1. I smoke cigarettes.
2. But I hate them.
3. I drink whiskey sometimes.
4. I once had a crush on an actor who was playing Tom in “The Glass Menagerie.” He was one of the most charming, charismatic people I’ve ever met, and I found that fascinating.
5. I wish I were more charismatic.
6. I also wonder if there’s something wrong with people who are charming & charismatic, like maybe they aren’t too smart or sensitive so I hope there’s a trade off.
7. I tend to start projects but not finish them.
8. I was a very well behaved child.
9. My sister recently told me I’m too sensitive.
10. I have big feet.
11. I have enormous hands, which I really like.
12. I felt self-conscious about them when I was a kid.
13. I don’t feel like I work up to my potential.
14. I would like to try stand up comedy someday.
15. My mother is a terrible housekeeper.
16. I have a cat & 5 or 6 plants.
17. I name my plants.
18. I love riding the bus.
19. I love walking.
20. I love cross word puzzles.
21. I hate airplanes, but not because I’m afraid of flying. I hate being squished in with people.
22. I believe in God.
23. I once went to a Quaker meeting, where you sit for an hour and listen for the “still small voice” & I found it very appealing.
24. I almost joined a cult once…well sort of…
25. I used to play violin when I was a kid.
26. I love math.
27. I feel guilty that I no longer do any math.
28. I have been studying for the GRE for over a year but I haven’t taken the test.
29. I put off applying to graduate school right after graduating & am finding it very difficult to go back.
30. I don’t know if I believe in the death penalty or not.
31. I should read the newspaper more often.
32. I am a registered Democrat, but I don’t necessarily like the Democratic party.
33. I live in Queens, NY.
34. My uncle is in town right now, and we are going to have dinner after I get off work.
35. I am nervous that I won’t have anything to say to him.
36. I love theater.
37. I want to see “Rent.”
38. More than anything, I wish I had an amazing singing voice.
39. I love writing.
40. I wish I could face all my fears.
41. I want to learn to play chess.
42. I am afraid I’m not as smart as I used to be.
43. I think my sister is a more pure-hearted person than I (meaning less selfish).
44. I used to run, but I have terrible knees & had to stop.
45. I’m sorry if this is the most boring thing to read.
46. My room is always cluttered.
47. I am a very harsh movie critic.
48. I was very shy in high school.
49. I used to be a fairly active environmentalist, but I haven’t done anything in that capacity for awhile.
50. I am a quick & accurate typist.
51. I used to write letters to this guy in the army when I was a kid. My sister & I met him on the beach because he & his friend were trying to pick her up (I imagine). We wrote letters for 5 years but then he came back & I thought he was too impassive & cynical & I didn’t want to be his friend.
52. I’m a quasi-vegetarian (fish only).
53. I have been thinking about eating chicken lately.
54. I am very sad.
55. But, I’m not afraid of that.
56. I am an optimist.
57. I want to go to France.
58. I want to be a mother someday.
59. I want to be a poet.
60. I used to dye my hair red.
61. I love traveling alone, especially on trains.
62. I once took a trip to New Haven & fantasized that I went to Yale.
63. I would love to go to Yale.
64. But, I’m afraid I’d never get in.
65. I don’t know how smart I am. Am I smart enough for that, or am I delusional?
66. When I drink too much, I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with anxiety & insomnia.
67. I am strong.
68. I love to laugh.
69. I once went to a nudist beach (when I was 19).
70. I am very private.
71. I look good in black.
72. I love seafood.
73. My uncle (the one I’m meeting tonight) has a trampoline in his back yard that I love to jump on.
74. I love theatre games.
75. I love little children, but only in very small groups (like one or two).
76. I hate noise.
77. I love noise.
78. I hate the summer.
79. I love the fall.
80. I have lived in the same apartment for almost 4 years now.
81. My boyfriend Joe might be moving in soon.
82. I’m afraid of him moving in.
83. I’m afraid of what my parents will think.
84. I’m afraid my parents will pressure me to get married if he moves in.
85. I’m afraid my grandmother will pressure me to get married if he moves in.
86. I need a lot of space.
87. I saw “The Last Samurai” last night & fell asleep.
88. I am afraid I’m too self-centered, especially after seeing all these “I, I , I…sentences”
89. I’m afraid this is boring to read.
90. I love show tunes.
91. I love “Victor/Victoria”
92. My favorite friends (right now) are Joe, Meredith, Dina, and Tiffany.
93. I love Georgia.
94. I think I’m smarter than Joe & that freaks me out a bit. I mean, I wonder if it’s ok to be smarter than him. Somebody has to be smarter, right?
95. I grew up very close to the beach in Florida.
96. I once went to the beach alone & went swimming by myself with my regular clothes on because it was evening and the water was very warm.
97. I once had a roommate who could impersonate Elvis Presley.
98. I once saw a female Elvis impersonator named Elvis Herselvis.
99. I’m a funny dancer.
100. I’m a terrible bowler.


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